Welcome to TelfordWork.net! Here is a guide to my site.

If you are among the following, please read this open letter to my students and their parents, pastors, and friends.

I invite you to respond to me by e-mail, with two caveats: First, my response times can be less than polite, for which I apologize in advance. Feel free to nag me with another message. Second, if you are one of my students, don't send me e-mails that stylishly refuse to capitalize, punctuate, spell properly, or use complete sentences. Consider our communications an extension of our class.

Above you will find links to my mothballed web journal Clutter, a curriculum vitae, a theological FAQ with commonly asked questions and answers about my discipline and me, and a page of my favorite Internet links.

There is much more below:

photo: Brad Elliott, a long time ago

... lists my various professional stations in life. If the profession of theology is mysterious to you, check out "What Do You Do, Anyway?"

Professor of Theology,
Westmont College

Curriculum Vitae (PDF)

... features resources for current, former, and prospective students.

Would you like to audit a course introducing Christian doctrine? Be my guest. All those class lectures are online at iTunes U. My general education course in Christian Doctrine now operates on a 'flipped classroom' model. Students watch lectures outside class, taking optional anonymous online quizzes we can all look at later. This frees classroom time for us to discuss, problem-solve, interpret scripture or course readings, and take on other tasks that are best done face-to-face. recording all of my lectures as video podcasts.

Here are the basic rules of the game for all my classes, a few (strong) suggestions on writing papers, pointers for presentations, advice for students preparing to preach, peer review guidelines, FAQ's, and forms for students reviewing other students' assignments.

Here are syllabi for the courses I have taught or plan/hope to teach over the years at school and church (in which you can find assignments, book lists, lecture outlines, and reading introductions):

1999-2002, 2003-present: Westmont College

rs10   Life and Literature of the New Testament

rs20   Introduction to Christian Doctrine

rs119  Early and Medieval Christianity

rs120  Reformation History (introductions)

rs125  Theology

rs126  Topical Theology: Doctrine of Salvation

rs126  Topical Theology: Doctrine of Scripture

rs127  Doctrine of God

rs127  Catechetical Theology

rs129  Interdisciplinary Theology:
           Doctrine of Humanity

rs129  Doctrine of Reconciliation

rs131  Seminar in Theology:
           Pneumatology and Nature

rs131  Seminar in Theology:
           Theological Interpretation of the Bible

rs140  Judaism and Islam (introductions)

rs144  Theory and Method in Religion

rs150  Topics in Theological History:
            Christian Worship (introductions)

rs150  Topics in Theological History:
            Augustine and Augustinianisms

rs150  Topics in Theological History:
            Christian Confession

rs180  Senior Seminar: Eschatology


2010: South Asia Institute for Advanced Christian Studies

Biblical Ethics

2004-2006: Montecito Covenant Church


1997-2000, 2004-2008: Fuller Theological Seminary

ch501  Patristic Theology

ch503  Medieval and Reformation Theology

st501  Theology and Anthropology

st502  Christology and Soteriology

st503  Ecclesiology and Eschatology

st509  Doctrine of Scripture

2002-2003: Azusa Pacific University

theo303  Theology and Christian Life

theo353  Church History

theo363  Contemporary Christian Thought

theo490  Topics in Systematic Theology:
               The World in Christian Perspective

1999-2002: Christian Assembly

Jesus Changes Everything: Christian Theology for Christian Life (II)

With All Your Mind: Christian Theology for Christian Life (I)

Apocalypse Now: Revelation

Life After Jesus: Acts

Who Is This Guy? Exploring Jesus Together

... features writings for peer-reviewed scholarly journals, edited books, and popular publications:

The Soulless World of Tom Wolfe
The New Pantagruel

Witness to the Signs: review essay of Lesslie Newbigin, Signs amid the Rubble
Pro Ecclesia

Rock of Aged

Speaking for the Spirit in the Time of Division
in Carl E. Braaten and Robert W. Jenson, eds., The Ecumenical Future

My Enemy, Myself
Christianity Today

Generations of Evangelical Theology

Monday's Coming: Black and Womanist Theology after Liberation (PDF)

Once Upon a Tribulation
re:generation quarterly

Review of J. Denny Weaver, The Nonviolent Atonement
Theology Today

Synoptic Star Wars
Books & Culture

Annunciation as Election
Scottish Journal of Theology

'Iconomy': A Rule Theory for Images in the Church
St. Vladimir's Seminary Quarterly

Veggie Ethics: What America's Favorite Vegetables Say About Evangelicalism
Theology Today

I Belong to the One True Church
in Geoffrey Wainwright, Lesslie Newbigin: A Theological Life

Kiss Me, Kate: Putting Visions of Religious Convergence to the Test
Studies in Interreligious Dialogue

Advent's Answer to the Problem of Evil
International Journal of Systematic Theology

Reordering Salvation: Church as the Proper Context for the Ordo Salutis
in David Cunningham, Ralph Del Colle, and Lucas Lamadrid, eds., Ecumenical Theology in Worship, Doctrine, and Life: Essays in Honor of Geoffrey Wainwright

... features formal addresses I have delivered at meetings of professional societies and at academic campus events:

Are We Using the Same Bible? Evangelical Doctrines of Scripture in the Economy of Salvation (PDF) (Chart)
Biola University

Teaching the Bible as Holy Scripture, or,
Not Making Our Proselytes Twice the Sons of Hell that We Are
Society of Biblical Literature

Breathed, Justified, Anointed, Enlightened, Filled:
The Churches’ Life, Separation, and Hope in the Spirit
Institute for Ecumenical Research

Unmixing Technology's Message
Westmont Faculty Conversation on Technology and Teaching

Sovereignty, Creativity, Integrity, and Responsibility in Divine and Human Economy
Westmont Faculty Exchange Panel

Evangelicals in the Factory of Scripture (PDF)
American Academy of Religion

Response to William F. Abraham,
Evangelicals and the Authority of Scripture
The Word Made Fresh Forum, AAR/SBL

The Lord's Prayer in its Eschatological Setting (PDF)
Paul C. Wilt Phi Kappa Phi Lecture

Love Thyself: A Disquieting Portrait of American Christianity
UCSB Front Porch

What's the Connection? (PDF)
Westmont Baccalaureate 2004

Evangelicals in the Factory of Scripture
Westmont Faculty Exchange Panel

Response to Robert John Russell, "Evolution, Natural Theodicy, and 'New Creation' Eschatology" (PDF)
Westmont Interdisciplinary Symposium

Good News for the Whole World (not to be confused with 'Evangelicalism and World Religions')
Westmont Faculty Exchange Panel

World Religions in the Context of Christian Faith (and not the other way around)
UCSB Front Porch

Response to David Batstone's Saving the Corporate Soul (PDF)
Westmont College Board of Advisors Panel

Education as Mission: The Course as Sign of the Kingdom (PDF)
Pruit Memorial Symposium, Baylor University

Running in Circles: Painful Adventures in Christian Culture Crossing (PDF)
Westmont College Urban Program

Growing in Favor with God: Salvation as Jesus' Personal History
Westmont College Colloquium

The Church as Missionary
Westmont College Guest Lecture

Sharpening the Doctrine of God:
Theology between Orthodox Christianity and Early Islam
American Academy of Religion

Lost and Found: Soulcraft as the Work of the Church
Westmont College Conference Panel Discussion

The Promise and Problems of Teaching in a Confessional Context
Lilly Foundation Conference Panel

Christianity in a Multifaith World
UCSB Front Porch

After 9/11: Ups and Downs in the Public Square
Westmont College Alumni Day Panel Discussion

Songs of Zion: Eschaton and Blues in African-American Faith (PDF)
American Academy of Religion

Divided Loyalties? Christian Identity in Wartime America (PDF)
Westmont College Honors Philosophical Society

The Confession of Christ as Hermeneutical Norm (PDF)
Wheaton Theology Conference

Tradition 102: Charismatic Worship
Westmont College Chapel

Kenosis: Response to Bruce N. Fisk
"Kenosis: A Campus Reflects," Westmont College

Gusty Winds, or a Jet Stream? Charismatics and Orthodox on the Spirit of Tradition
American Academy of Religion

... features sermons, chapel talks, articles for the school newspaper, and unpublished writings:

Pray the Mission
Goleta Presbyterian Church

Does Christian Faith Obey Spiritual Laws?
Monroe Scholars' Weekend, Westmont College

Focus Week Chapel Prayer
Westmont chapel

Spiritual Justice Is Social Justice, and Vice Versa
Westmont Horizon

Disappointed (PDF)
Westmont Junior Class Chapel

Are Catholics Christians?
Westmont Horizon

Knowing Jesus Changes Everything
Christ the King Episcopal Church Retreat

Sheep with a Shepherd
Montecito Covenant Church

The Holy Spirit in the Bible and Everywhere Else
Santa Barbara Free Methodist Church

Cats and Dogs Living Together: Christian Unity for Catholics and Protestants
Westmont One-in-Christ Student Group Inaugural

The Ultimate Makeover
Hope Community Church

You Can Say That Again
Montecito Covenant Church

Sex Now and Then: A Discussion of Sex in America, on College Campuses, and in the Roman Empire
Tuesdays with Morals, Westmont College

All Here Present in the Sight of God: Spirituality for Cross-Cultural Mission
Westmont Emmaus Road

A Front Porch of What House?
The Wholeness of Campus Christian Life

UCSB Front Porch

Omega and Alpha: Jesus, the Center of Christian Faith
All Saints-by-the-Sea Episcopal Church

Every Place on which You Set Foot Shall Be Yours
Westmont College Monroe Scholar Candidates' Chapel

How Odd
Westmont College Christmas Tree Lighting

Pop Goes the Bubble: Adventures in Christian Culture Crossing
Westmont magazine

Less Is More: The Joy of Preaching about Almost Nothing
Westmont Homecoming Worship Service 2004

Telford Work: The Internet Monk Interview

Theology in High School and (Especially) Beyond
Trinity Lutheran Church

Generosity under Pressure: or, How to Win in November No Matter What
Montecito Covenant Church, Santa Barbara

Learning Christian Faith by Breaking Spiritual Laws
Westmont College Parents' Weekend Class

Why the Cross?
Hope Community Church, Santa Barbara

World Religions in Terms of Christian Faith (and not the other way around)
Westmont College Scholars' Day

For Freedom Set Free: The First Year
Westmont College First-Year-Student Parents Panel

King of the World: Solomon (PDF)
Montecito Covenant Church, Santa Barbara

Review of Marcus J. Borg and N.T. Wright, The Meaning of Jesus: Two Visions

Crunch Time
Westmont Chapel, Ash Wednesday 2003

How September 12 Destroyed My Faith
Ekklesia Project Online

One Last Swift Kick of Love
Westmont Senior Chapel

Nicodemus: "Help, I'm Lost and Disconnected"
Westmont Horizon

Nicodemus: "Is Required Worship Unspiritual?"
Westmont Horizon

Bible Stories You Didn't Outgrow
Hope Community Church, Santa Barbara
        I: Eden
       II: Noah's Ark

January 2002: a Resolution
Westmont Horizon

Wars and Rumors of Wars
(PDF)    (HTML)

Laodicia, U.S.A. (PDF)
Westmont Chapel

Get Real (PDF)
Westmont Chapel

Just You Wait (PDF)
Westmont Chapel, Advent 2000

Community Journey (PDF)
Westmont Chapel

Nicodemus: "Premarital Sex: Are We Already 'Married'?"
Westmont Horizon

Nicodemus: "Where Is God in All This Suffering?"
Westmont Horizon

Nicodemus: "Is Patriotism Biblical?"
Westmont Horizon

Nicodemus: Answers to Your Silent Questions
Westmont Horizon

Thin Line Between Arts and Entertainment
Westmont Horizon

What Is Revival Anyway?
Westmont Horizon

Communal Worship and Love: Not an Option
Westmont Horizon

... introduces my books, some reading suggestions in my field, my philosophies of education, and a few last odds and ends.



Overtime: Reading for after our Courses

Reading for Aspiring Theologians

Philosophies of Education:

Liberal Arts
Church History
Religion/World Religions
New Testament

E-Mail: work<at>westmont<dot>edu
